Julieta Kusnir talks with Ana Nitmar about the upcoming San Francisco event to honor the beloved singer/songwriter/peace activist Facundo Cabral, who was recently murderedand Sue Kyper interveiws human rights activist Iduvina Hernandez in Guatamala City about the Cabral's death.
Nina Serrano interviews Jorge Argueta about the 2nd Annual Children's Poetry in El Salvador. Argueta reads his beautiful poetry.
Carmen Andrea Rivera sends a note about her recent trip to Colombia
Cathleen Vickery brings us part two of her interview with author Jeff Connt about his book: The Poetics of Reistance: the revolutionary public relations of the Zapatista insurgency
We hear marvelous songs ...so listen and enjoy.

Singer, Ana Nitmar
Guatemala/San Francisco
Guatemala/San Francisco
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
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La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, August 30, 2011

La Raza Chronicles- Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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