We urgently need your help to stop the Texas state Board of Education from erasing Cesar Chavez and all Hispanic historical figures from public school text books. Since Texas is such a major textbook purchaser, such a move could have a nationwide impact.
Board members and their appointees have complained about an "over representation of minorities" in the current social studies standards. This is ironic as Hispanics will soon comprise the majority of all Texas public school students. Please take a few moments right now to send board Chair Lowe an e-mail. Tell the TX State Board of Education not to allow a handful of ideological extremists to revise history by eliminating people of color. Please act now. Go to: http://action.ufw.org/page/ Si Se Puede! |
If you are in the area and can attend to voice your outrage at these proceedings, you must register no later than next Monday, January 11th. Electronic registration forms are available online at the following link: www.tea.state.tx.us/sboe/forms A number of longtime farm worker movement leaders and civil rights attorneys are testifying.
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