A new international campaign demanding the freedom of the Cuban Five is on its way to the White House.
This campaign is based on the request of 10 Nobel Prize winners demanding the immediate freedom of the Cuban Five from US prisons and inviting 2009 Nobel Prize winner Obama to join them.

We have printed 20,000 postcards; 13,000 in English and 7,000 in Spanish. Friends from Germany, France, Lebanon and Italy are translating the postcard into their own languages.
The new postcards in support of the Five are already printed and we are begining to receive many orders. Already we have received requests from many places around the US, including Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts,Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington DC, Wisconsin, and Northern and Southern California cities.
Friends from Germany, Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba , Lebanon, El Salvador, Spain, France, Guatemala, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Switzerland, Uruguay and Venezuela have joined in the campaign.
The post cards will travel with its powerful message through many different hands before they reach their final destination. That way before arriving at the White House many people who are unaware about the case of the Cuban Five may be compelled to learn about it.
To order postcards or to request a PDF, or to learn how you can help in this campaign, write to info@thecuban5.org
Also, upon request, we have available a Power Point presentation in support of the launching of this new postcard campaign.
If you can afford it we are asking that you help to cover the shipping and printing costs. But if you cannot, write to us anyway, the most important thing is to start 2010 with a strong and united voice from all over the world.
Let's inundate the mail room of the White House with one strong demand, in many different languages, from hundreds of US cities and cities from all over the world.