29 December 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
29 December 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's the last program of year and we celebrate it with a News Round Up of the major Latino stories of 2009 as well as News Headlines from the Americas. We include a special highlight on Cuban eye doctors doing healing work in Bolivia, and the poetry of prize-winning Cuban poet Pablo Armando Fernandez. We cruise through the Streets of Aztlan with musica and a calendar of upcoming events. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org/streams/kpfa_64k.m3u
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
22 December 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
22 December 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program leaves the solstice darkness to begin moving again towards the light. We bring you News Headlines from the Americas, the word about education budget cuts fro the Streets of Aztlan, domestic workers in San Francisco organizing for equal treatment, and a discussion graffiti art in Bogota, Colombia. We celebrate our survival with musica, poetry and a calendar of upcoming events.
Produced by Nina Serrano, Vanessa Bohm, Emiliano Echeverria Carmen Andrea Rivera, Clay "C'Tone" Leander, Ventura "Mr. Chuch" Longoria and Julieta Kusnir.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org/streams/kpfa_64k.m3u
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
Radio Promo:
Arsenio Rodriguez Annual Broadcast Tribute
December 26, 2009
RETURNING THIS WEEK: Saturday, December 26th!
This week, Radio Cuba Canta presents our 22nd Anniversary Broadcast Tribute to the 'Father of Salsa'", El Ciego Maravilloso", Arsenio Rodriguez!
Radio promo for Arsenio Rodriguez broadcast tribute:
Promo for Radio Cuba Canta - December 26, 2009 - Mp3
Broadcast veteran and Cuban music historian Emiliano Echeverria will present gems his rare and vintage collection of Arsenio Rodriguez' recordings throughout his career from Cuba to the United States.
Produced and hosted by Emiliano Echeverria
Associate producer & broadcast operator: Clay "C'Ton" Leander
Community Calendar produced by Ron Flores
Live Broadcast:
Saturday December 26, 2009 - 9pm Pacific
(12 Midnight Eastern)
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay & Northern California -
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
On the web at: www.kpfa.org
Broadcast archive available immediately after broadcast.
Hear the promotion with Arsenio's music for Saturday's broadcast::
Promo for Radio Cuba Canta - December 26, 2009 - Mp3
More program info:
Cuba Canta broadcasts monthly on KPFA-FM during Con Sabor, a weekly program featuring the best in Salsa, Latin Jazz and Afro-Caribbean music hosted by executive producer Luis Medina.
19 December 2009
Interview con David Calzado;
Charanga Habanera en San Francisco - Dec.22
Luis Medina of KPFA FM's Con Sabor presents an exclusive interview with David Calzado, bandleader of Charanga Habanera regarding their musical journey from Cuba to the world; and of their new US tour including the upcoming live performance at Cafe Cocomo's in San Francisco.
The program will feature music from Charanga Habanera, along with other great new releases, as well as a Ticket Giveaway to Charanga Habanera, and other performances.
'Con Sabor' broadcasts Saturday 9pm Pacific in the San Francisco Bay and Northern California (12 midnight Eastern). For more information about the upcoming program and others, visit: www.kpfa.org
Con Sabor is produced and hosted by Luis Medina
Live Broadcast:
Saturday December 19, 2009 - 9pm Pacific
(12 Midnight Eastern)
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay & Northern California -
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Mp3 / iTunes Podcast:
Con Sabor - December 19, 2009
(available immediately after broadcast)
Articles and videos featuring Charanga Habanera and their U.S. tour:
CNN: "Cuba Music Exchange":
Feature segment on Charanga Habanera 2009 US Tour:
Clip of Charanga Habanera from the feature film "Popular!"
More info: www.popular-documentary.com
(Courtesy of Jennifer Paz, Producer)
15 December 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
15 December 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight we experience one of the almost-earliest sunset of the year and our hopes look to the coming new year. You'll hear News Headlines from the Americas and an interview with Jim Schultz of the Democracy Center about Latin American involvement in the Copenhagen Climate Change conference (see link).
Our guest Cito Hernandez will discuss the effects of holiday stress on Latino immigrants and everyone. You'll hear the word on the Streets of Aztlan, a poem to la Virgen de Guadalupe, and the Music and views of La Orquesta La Moderna Tradición with a ticket give-away, and hot tips on upcoming New Year celebration events.

Orquesta La Moderna Tradición
Produced by Nina Serrano, Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Clay "C'Tone" Leander, Ventura "Mr. Chuch" Longoria and Julieta Kusnir.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org/streams/kpfa_64k.m3u
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
11 December 2009
A Visit to the Cemetery of Glaciers
On December 15, 2009, La Raza Chronicles' Vanessa Bohm interviews Jim Schultz of the Democracy Center
Listen to the program (live or podcast):
Attached below are recent articles by Jim Schultz and Jessica Aguirre published to the Democracy Center blog, with video, entitled: "A Visit to the Cemetery of Glaciers".
Dear Readers
This week in Copenhagen representatives from 192 nations have gathered to discuss the future of our small and imperiled planet.
The crisis of global climate change lingers over most of us in gauzy and unseen ways that make it easy to still ignore. Easy for us to still live in ways that turn up our planet’s temperature more each year. Easy for us to let our governments act as if tinkering and rhetoric is all that is needed. Easy for us to pretend that radical action is not needed now. Easy for us to still believe that a global environmental crisis is the stuff of Hollywood disaster movies and not current reality.
So now we welcome you to reality. We welcome you to the Andean highlands where the planet’s crisis is not tomorrow – it’s now.
Bolivia’s glaciers are melting. Vast mountaintops of ice older than the human race have disappeared and are disappearing. If you want a preview of what is happening to our planet don’t go to a multiplex, look to Mount Chacaltaya, look to Mount Illimani.
That’s what two members of the Democracy Center team did in late November. Anders Vang Nielsen (from Denmark) and Jessica Aguirre (from the U.S.) traveled to the melting slopes to talk with the people who live in the shadow of monumental environmental loss, video camera in hand.
The result is the short film above. Please take seven minutes and watch it. Please listen to what the people of these Andean slopes have to say. Please send a link to this page and video to your friends and family. Please take in the full measure of the disaster underway across our fragile planet. And then decide, as we all must, what you will do to take action now.
Jim Shultz
A Visit to the Cemetery of Glaciers
Written by Jessica Aguirre
When we arrived at the community of Khapi after a lurching three-hour truck ride along tortuously pitted dirt roads, it felt like stepping into a church. The central field of the village stretched out like a velvet carpet between a border of humble houses. The green vein that snaked down from Mount Illimani – a gash of verdant agriculture in the harsh rock mountainous landscape - culminated here before giving way again to dark crags that pointed to the sky and to the awesome Illimani that stood like some omnipresent sovereign or a stalagmite to god.
After a week of trudging up and down the vertical streets of La Paz, rushing from interview to presentation in the rain, the arrival to Khapi seemed incongruously calm. Set against the expansive panorama of the distant mountains, a small central building squatted at the edge of the village in front of which a community meeting was taking place as we roared up. The village men sat in a circle on meager wooden benches in from of the building, garmented in used American clothes and colorful hand-woven accessories. They seemed unimpressed by our arrival and continued speaking in low measured voices until they were ready to address our appearance, some forty minutes later.
We were introduced to Don Alivio, Don Max, and Don Severino: three community leaders who have had experience speaking to foreigners about climate change. Khapi has received a moderate amount of attention in international media as a terrifyingly stark example of the water shortages that could become common with global warming. The three men were patient in explaining to us the changes to their environmental, but their tone was urgent. They are anxious to see the results of their openness, of their advocacy.
Their anxiousness is not unfounded. Earlier in the week we had gone up to Chacaltaya to get some footage of a dead glacier. The trek was eerie: the mountain was frigidly cold and swirling clouds covered the landscape and whipped around our group. We rounded a point, and our guide tersely motioned toward a dip; “that’s where the glacier used to be,” he remarked. Looking out at jagged brown rock at the tiny dirty patches of snow (where three years ago skiers would have been speeding past), I felt like I was looking at a cemetery.
To be in the presence of landscape so staggering is to feel humbled in a holy way.
When Felix and Javier at CONOMAQ explained to us that the mountains were Achachillas, it didn’t require knowledge of Aymara to understand what they meant. Or to understand that climate change is about much more than physical survival.
[Note: If you would like to publish this video on your own Web site we gratefully encourage you to do so. You can find the YouTube post and embedding information here.]
08 December 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
08 December 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program includes musica, News Headlines from the Americas and a discussion of El Salvador's emerging historical memory project with Carlos Mauricio of the "Stop the Impunity" project in El Salvador. From the Streets of Aztlan we'll learn about the education hikes in Watsonville and we'll speak with Aurora Castellanos, a San Francisco youth organizer about the World Bridges program visit to Guatemala. We'll bring you laughter and smiles with comedian Bill Santiago to fortify you against the darkness of winter.
Produced by Nina Serrano, Julieta Kusnir, Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Clay "C'Tone" Leander, Ventura Longoria and Emiliano Echeverria.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org/streams/kpfa_64k.m3u
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
01 December 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
01 December 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program includes interviews and songs from this year's upcoming Encuentro del Canto Popular with a concert ticket give-away. We'll hear News Headlines from the Americas with a focus on Honduras and welcome our guest, Joel Aguiar, the new director of the Day Laborer Program of the La Raza Centro Legal. We'll stroll down the Streets of Azltan and catch up on the latest events on the La Raza Community Calendar. Listen and enjoy.
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Julieta Kusnir, Clay "C-Tone" Leander, Ventura "Mr. Chuch" Longoria, and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
28 November 2009
Radio Cuba Canta - November 28:
Broadcast Tribute to Septeto Nacional

This week, Radio Cuba Canta presents a tribute commemorating the long-awaited arrival of the great Cuban musical institution, Septeto Nacional Ignacio Piñeiro!
Host and Cuban music historian Emiliano Echeverria is joined by Luis Medina of KPFA's Con Sabor to present a special interview with members of Septeto Nacional, discussing the group's history since its formation in 1927, and its original founder, Ignacio Piñero.

The program will also feature a jam session in the KPFA Studios recorded by our own C-Tone with members of el Septeto joined by Bay Area Cuban son-fusion group Pellejo Seco, with special guest Tito Gonzalez.
'Radio Cuba Canta' broadcasts Saturday 9pm Pacific in the San Francisco Bay and Northern California (12 midnight Eastern). For more information about the upcoming program and others, visit: RadioCubaCanta.blogspot.com

Articles about Septeto Nacional Ignacio Piñeiro U.S. tour:
San Francisco Chronicle:
Septeto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro at Yoshi's
New York Times:
Cuban Musical Pioneers Celebrate an Island’s Soul
Opening Arms and Ears to Cuban Music
Miami Herald Blog:
Septeto Nacional play Hoy Como Ayer; music, family, no drama.
San Jose Mercury News:
Havana dance-music band Septeto Nacional makes first U.S. visit in 76 years
24 November 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
24 November 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight we bring you News Headlines from the Americas and highlighting the conflict in Honduras. We’ll talk with author John Ross about his latest book on Mexico City, “El Monstruo.” We celebrate the long-awaited arrival of Cuban musicians to the US with Septeto Nacional; will hear the music of the Mexican Revolution through the Streets of Aztlan; and salute the 40th Anniversary of the American Indian Movement’s take-over of Alcatraz Island, and the continuing struggle of all Indigenous people of the Americas to protect their human rights and the environment.
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Clay "C-Tone" Leander, Ventura "Mr. Chuch" Longoria, and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
Full speech: Dr. Luther Castillo on the Crisis in Honduras - November 2009
Dr. Luther Castillo

Audio archive
PLAY NOW - Mp3 (iTunes, WinAmp):
Dr. Luther Castillo speaks on the Crisis in Honduras
San Francisco - November 2009
Dr. Luther Castillo is a spokesperson for the National Front Against the Coup, a coalition of various civil society organizations and individuals who oppose the June 28th, 2009 coup in Honduras, and advocate for a popular constitutional assembly as the resolution to the crisis. Dr. Castillo graduated in 2005 from the Latin American Medical School in Havana, Cuba. He then returned to his homeland of Miskitia on the Honduran coast, where he led construction of Honduras’ first Garifuna Rural Hospital. The project now serves over 20,000 people in the surrounding communities. In 2007, Dr. Castillo was named “Honduran Doctor of the Year” by Rotary International’s Tegucigalpa chapter. He is featured prominently in the award winning documentary Salud. Dr. Luther Castillo spoke at San Francisco's Centro del Pueblo in mid-November.
International Committee in Defense of the Cuban 5
US Jails Meets in Holguin, Cuba
by Daniel del Solar (danieldelsolar@gmail.com)
More than 180 delegates are in attendance at the International Colloquium in Defense of the Cuban 5 began a three day meeting in Holguin, province of Holguin, 500 miles to the East of Havana.
Representing active committees in 45 nations world-wide, the meetings will include work sessions at which will be discussed forthcoming plans to achieve justice for the Cuban 5. The 5 men face sentences ranging from 20 years to life. The meeting will conclude with a Plenary closing session this coming Sunday.
The case of the Cuban 5 is about 5 Cuban men, nationals from Cuba, who worked in Miami for several years attempting to identify active terrorist cells in MIami that had been carrying out terrorist actions.
Amongst numerous other destructive acts, the Miami-based terrorists, mostly so-called "Cuban Exiles" caused the death of a visiting Italian tourist in Havana and destruction of agricultural products, such as burning of suger cane fields.. Over the years of such terrorist activity, the local FBI office had been "unable" to discover the source of the terrorist activities nor the perpetrators of terrorist
The Cuban 5 were part of an anti-terrorist team sent by Cuba to the United States to correct the inability of the FBI to take effective action to stop the terrorism. The Cuban agents, attempting to stop the illegal acts, identified both the particants and the plans of the terrorist organizations and communicated this information to the Cuban Government, which in turn gave this information to the U.S. government
Shortly thereafter, the Cuban agents were arrested and have since suffered extraordinary prison mistreatment. In the eleven years of their incarceration, they have frequently been placed in solitary confinement, a form of torture, and have also been denied access to conjugal visits by their wives. The U.S. Government has imposed this inhumane treatment through the denial of visas to the wives.
The men have been accused and convicted of murder, although they none of them had committed a murder. The prosecution alleged that the information given to the Cuban Government had led to the shoot down of a small aircraft over Cuban national territory based on the information given to them by the Cuban men. In fact, the Cuban
government had warned the US authorities that the continual violation of Cuban airspace by aircraft from the so¡-called ¨Brothers to the Rescue¨ would lead to a shoot down months before any specific information was transmitted by the Cuban agents in Miami.
Brothers to the REscue had overflown Cuba deliberately more than 40 times and it was clear to US government authorities that the aircraft involved in illegal activities departed from airfields in Florida and tracked them via radar as they approached and then violated Cuban airspace.
The prosecution argued successfully, but in error, that the shoot-down was attributable to the Cuban 5 and therefore they warranted charges of murder, as a pilot and passenger where killed as a result of their violating Cuban Airspace. The US military had been advised by Cuban military in the course of an informal meeting, months before the fatal "Brother´s" aircraft shoot-down, that further flyings would be met with force, and pleaded with the US military to prevent such illegal
The Cuban 5 where also accused of spying, but this was not a formal charge as several former US military witnesses asserted that the Cuban 5 had not taken any actions that could be considered ¨"spying."
For more information on this complex case, one can consult the web (http://www.thecuban5.org
The Coloquium will have working sessions on Saturday and will conclude with visits and information exchanges in Cuban communities throughout the region on Sunday.
For La Raza Chronicles, this is Daniel del Solar reporting from Holguin, Holguin Province, Cuba.
10 November 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
10 November 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program includes winning songs from this years' Latin Grammys! We'll also hear news headlines from the Americas with a spotlight on Colombia. The Streets of Aztlan brings us an interview with Miguel Perez on Honduras and local author, Concha Delgado Gaitan speaks about her new book, "Prickly Cactus" about the road to wellness. We'll also hear a calendar of upcoming cultural events. Enjoy!
Concha Delgado Gaitan

Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Ventura "Mr. Chuch" Longoria, and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
03 November 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
03 November 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program includes News Headlines from the Americas, with a report on Colombia and a commentary by Saul Landau on US/Cuba relations. On the local scene, we'll hear about health policy and word on the Streets of Aztlan with musica y mucho mas to get you through the dark November night.
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Ventura Longoria, Nina Serrano and Clay "CTone" Leander.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
Photo Exhibit:
Dia de los Muertos - 2009
by Daniel del Solar

27 October 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
27 October 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight we hear News Headlines from the Americas, look at US/Cuba relations including a poem by political prisoner Antonio Guerrero of the Cuban 5, as well as great musica from Radio Cuba Canta. We prepare for Dia de los Muertos with the initiator of the Bay Area community celebrations, artist Rene Yanez. We cruise through the Streets of Aztlan and a calendar of upcoming events.
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Ventura Longoria, Nina Serrano and Clay "Ctone" Leander.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
26 October 2009
Bring Back the Dead -
Day of the Dead Exhibition
@ MCCLA - 11/02/09
From: Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts <events@missionculturalcenter.org
Subject: Bring Back the Dead - Day of the Dead Exhibition @ MCCLA 11/02/09
| |
The Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts | 2868 Mission St. | SF | CA | 94110 |

20 October 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
20 October 2009 - KPFA FM
As evening approaches darker and cooler, La Raza Chronicles offers you a warm Bienvenidos with News Headlines from the Americas with Vanessa Bohm, and a commentary on Honduras by Andres Thomas Conteris. We feature Carmen Andrea Rivera on the musical world of reggaetón and Nina Serrano talks with honored poet Rafael Jesus Gonzalez, and we stroll through the Streets of Aztlan
Produced by Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Ventura "Mr. Chuch" Longoria, Emiliano Echeverria, Clay "C`Tone" Leander, Julieta Kusnir and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
13 October 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
13 October 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program celebrates Rafael Jesus Gonzalez Day in Berkeley, mourns the passing of the beloved Argentine singer, Mercedes Sosa and alerts us to events in Colombia and Honduras. We'll hear about VideoFest `09 at the Mission Cultural Center and the word on the Streets of Aztlan.We include lots of musica and and a calendar of upcoming events and a ticket giveaway. Listen and enjoy.
Produced by Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Ventura Mr Chuch Longoria, Clay "C'Tone" Leander, Julieta Kusnir, Emiliano Echeverria and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
15 September 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
15 September 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program highlights NACLA (the North American Congress on Latin America) its magazine editors and writers known for their fine tuned political analysis, as well as News Headlines from the Americas and the word from the The Streets of Aztlan. The Cuban Cowboys discuss their new Cuban Five song and we'll hear some tracks from their upcoming CD. Escuchanse and Enjoy!
Article links:
Cuban Cowboys.com
Produced by Vanessa Bohm, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Ventura Mr Chuch Longoria, Clay "Ctone" Leander, Julieta Kusnir, Emiliano Echeverria and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
Latina Justice Historical Appointment Sonia Sotomayor
Center for Latino Policy Research
& The Berkeley Latino Policy Forum
Latina Justice:
The Historical Appointment of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
María Blanco
Executive Director
Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute
UC Berkeley, Law School
Melissa E. Murray
Assistant Professor of Law
UC Berkeley, Law School
Date and Time:
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
12:00 P.M. – 1:30 P.M.
Shorb House
2547 Channing Way (Corner with Bowditch St.)
Berkeley, CA
Abstract: The appointment of Sonia Maria Sotomayor as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States is historic. Serving since August 2009, Sotomayor is the Court's 111th justice, its first Latina justice, and its third female justice.
The speakers will give insight about the debates that emerged with her nomination, her relation with the Obama Administration, the significance of her appointment and the challenges and opportunities that she now faces.
About the Speakers:
Maria Blanco serves as the Executive Director for the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute. She served as executive director of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area. She brings more than 20 years of experience as a litigator and advocate for immigrant rights, women's rights and racial justice. As executive director of the Lawyers' Committee, Blanco launched initiatives to increase minority access to higher education, provide legal counsel for students in substandard schools, and convene African-American and Latino community leaders to discuss the impact of immigration reform. She regularly contributes to national and local media on school integration, the importance of an independent judiciary, and civil rights challenges in today's security climate. Blanco is also the co-chair of the California Coalition for Civil Rights, a group dedicated to building a progressive national agenda for civil and human rights.
Blanco has successfully litigated pivotal civil rights cases, such as Davis v. San Francisco, which brought women for the first time into the San Francisco Fire Department; and Castrejon v. Tortilleria La Mejor, which established that undocumented workers are covered by federal anti-discrimination laws.
Melissa Murray is Assistant Professor UC Berkeley, Law School. She teaches family law and criminal law. Her research focuses on the roles that criminal law and family law play in articulating the legal parameters of intimate life. Prior to coming to Boalt, Murray served for two years as an associate in law at Columbia Law School.
Following law school, Murray clerked for Sonia Sotomayor of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit and Stefan Underhill of the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut.
Her recent publications include, "The Networked Family: Reframing the Legal Understanding of Caregiving and Caregivers" in the Virginia Law Review (2008), "Equal Rites and Equal Rights" in the California Law Review (2008), "Strange Bedfellows: Criminal Law, Family Law, and the Legal Regulation of Intimate Life" in the Iowa Law Review (2009), "Disestablishing the Family" in the Yale Law Journal (with A. Ristroph)
(forthcoming), and "Marriage Rights and Parental Rights: Parents, the State and Proposition 8" in the Stanford Journal of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (forthcoming).
*Please forward this email to anyone who might be interested. This seminar
is free and open to the public.
*For more information contact the Center for Latino Policy Research (CLPR)
at (510) 642-6903. For directions to CLPR, see:
If you would like to be removed from this list serve please e-mail
clpr@berkeley.edu with subject: REMOVE FROM LIST
Center for Latino Policy Research
University of California at Berkeley
2547 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94720
08 September 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
08 September 2009 - KPFA FM
Produced by Ventura Longoria, Emiliano Echeverria, Clay "C`Tone" Leander, Julieta Kusnir, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
01 September 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
01 September 2009 - KPFA FM
La Raza Chronicles presents commentary by US political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal, News Headlines from the Americas, messages from the Streets of Aztlan, a journey to the 3 Worlds Art Exhibit: Arias, Fuentes and Banjo, musica y mas.
Article links:
Prison Radio Project
Mission Cultural Center exhibit:

Produced by Vanessa Bohm, Ventura Longoria, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Clay "C-Tone" Leander and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
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(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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MCCLA: Bohemian Night Soiree - 3 Worlds Exhibition - Arias, Fuentes, Banjo
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Live Collaborative Painting
imagePaz de la Calzada
Todd Brown
Sue Matthews
Rene Yañez
Adrian Arias
Luis Arias Vera
La Tania and Aljibe Flamenco
Nadja Haas
Shelley Cook-Conterras
Nina Serrano
and much more...
Luis Arias Vera
imageIn 1987 Luis Arias Vera initiates his " DANZAQ" Series. The subject-matter of his work has always showed us an artist intrigued by the deep value of his ancestors' graphics, by the visual wealth of the images produced by pre-Columbian South American Cultures, signs and symbols that are increasingly getting more attention from researchers, historians and anthropologists because of the immense contribution that their careful study can provide to understand the level of development accomplished by these cultures.
In the case of Arias Vera, being Peruvian, his interests are focused on the Inca Culture and the pre-Inca Cultures, especially the Mochica Culture, which is where he comes from.
But for this artist, the playfulness, the magic and the myth that comes from the previously mentioned visual wealth, blends almost without intervals, with the time he has had to live in and its unavoidable problems.
We can perceive this in his current work, the insistence in searching for the balances that we have lost, that we have left aside, vainly attracted by the disturbing mirages with which current society tends to distract us in every step.
Since these signs, these symbols which Arias Vera uses are there, and they are getting more recognition every day, there is no better way of giving meaning to his work than this insistence in showing them, in exhibiting them within the amalgam that presupposes to be contemporary.
The work that Arias Vera presents at the MCCLA definitely aims to show with a very contemporary vision, the wealth and relevance of this system of symbols that he knows very well by inheritance.
The Bohemian Night Soiree is the third and last event in a series of special events related to the following exhibition:
Opening reception
Friday, August, 14th, 7-10pm $5
Luis Arias Vera
Juan R. Fuentes
Casper Banjo
Art Hazelwood
Rene Yañez
Works on view available for purchase.
Take a look at a video Mission Local made about the exhibition here
Art Hazelwood is paying tribute to African American artist Casper Banjo who was widely known in the Bay Area before he was tragically shot by Oakland Police last year. Banjo was known as the "Brick Man" for his use of bricks which he used in a surprising range of imagery. This memorial retrospective explores the breadth of his work.
Rene Yañez has put together the work of Luis Arias Vera and Juan Fuentes. Vera, born in Peru, and now living in Berkeley has strong ties in Spain where he has been commissioned to create a significant public art sculpture. He will present a body of paintings as well as the on site creation of new work in collaboration with his son Adrian Arias and other artists.
Fuentes has been a part of the Chicano poster movement since the early 1970s. He has created screenprint posters for countless community groups and political causes. He was director of MCCLA's Mission Grafica screen print studio, from 1999 to 2007. Fuentes will be presenting linocuts and silkscreen prints and displaying sketches and photographs from his participation in a contingent of Bay Area artists visiting Peru.
2868 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
MCCLA is 1/2 block from the 24th Street BART Station
Muni: 14, 14L, 48, 49 & 67 and is wheelchair accessible
More Info
(415) 821-1155
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) was established in 1977 by artists and community activists with a shared vision to promote, preserve and develop the Latino cultural arts that reflect the living tradition and experiences of the Chicano, Mexican, Central and South American, and the Caribbean people.
25 August 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
25 August 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program features the celebration of the Xicana Moratorium, historic musica of Benny More from Emiliano about his upcoming special on Radio Cuba Canta, and a tasty discussion with latina entrepreneur Paul Tejada about her Chilean empanadas. We offer news headlines from the Americas, the word from the Streets of Aztlan and an upcoming events calendar. Check out our website for more information, fotos and other interesting items. www.larazachronicles.org
Article link
El Tecolote: Paula Tejada - The Girl from Empanada:
Chilean entrepreneur takes her business venture to the streets

Produced by Vanessa Bohm, Ventura Longoria, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, Clay "C-Tone" Leander and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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Radio Cuba Canta: 90th Birthday Broadcast Tribute to Benny More - Saturday Aug 29th
RETURNING THIS WEEK: Saturday, August 29th!
This week, Radio Cuba Canta broadcasts a special tribute commemorating the 90th Birthday of "El Barbaro del Ritmo", Benny More!

Featuring vintage and rare recordings of El Beny, including live and studio dates with Trio Matamoros, Conjunto Humberto Cane, Mariano Merceron, Rafael dePaz, Orquesta de Arturo Nunez, Chucho Rodriquez, Ernesto Duarte, and Benny's own Orquesta Gigante; and many more.
Produced and hosted by Emiliano Echeverria
Associate producer & broadcast operator: Clay "C'Ton" Leander
Community Calendar produced by Ron Flores
Live Broadcast: August 29, 2009 - 9 pm PST / 12 midnight EST
KPFA 94.1 FM - in SF Bay Area & Northern California -
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
On the web at: www.kpfa.org
(available immediately after broadcast):
Mp3 / iTunes Podcast:
Cuba Canta - August 29, 2009 - Mp3
More program info:
Cuba Canta broadcasts monthly on KPFA-FM during Con Sabor, a weekly program featuring the best in Salsa, Latin Jazz and Afro-Caribbean music hosted by executive producer Luis Medina.
18 August 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
18 August 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program includes News headlines from the Americas with a special focus on Venezuela. Our guest, Ismael Saavedra, discusses his new award winning film "3000". We'll also hear about the new local WEBOS TV and NO RIGHT TURN Art Gallery with Chelis Lopez and Carlos Cartegena. The Streets of Aztlan bring us the word from author/educator Cesar Cruz. We’ll also receive a phone call from an East Lansing prison where poet /inmate Efren Paredes will read to us from his poem about Sonia Sotomayor. Oh …and did we mention musica?
Produced by Ventura Longoria, Julieta Kusnir, Emiliano Echeverria, Carmen Andrea Rivera, Clay "Ctone" Leander and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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11 August 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
11 August 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight's program includes News Headlines from the Americas, and a report on the arrest of Guatemalan Indigenous leaders and it's connection to land rights and the environment. We hear the word on the Streets of Aztlan, and the Iranian version of the Cuban Song "Hasta Siempre" about Che Guevarra, written as part of the current protests in Iran. We offer a calendar of upcoming local cultural events, musica y mas.
Campaña por la liberación de Ramiro Choc
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Nina Serrano, Julieta Kusnir and Ventura “Mr. Chuch” Longoria.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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03 August 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
04 August 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight’s program includes News Headlines from the Americas. We look at the bigger picture of the situation in Honduras, discussing its impact on Latin America through an interview with guest, George Ciccarriello-Maher. We speak with guest, Gabriela Shiroma on the African legacy in Latin America and hear live examples of the music from percussionists Pedro Rosales and Ivan Lino-Montes and singer, Marina Lavalle. We stroll through the Streets of Aztlan to hear the word on the street and a calendar of upcoming Latino events.
Link: African Diaspora in Latin America
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera, Vanessa Bohm, Nina Serrano , Emiliano Echeverria, Julieta Kusnir, "Ctone" Leander and Ventura “Mr. Chuch” Longoria.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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28 July 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
28 July 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight’s program features News Headlines from the Americas and a special report on Honduras with on-the-spot observer, journalist Andres Thomas Conteris.
We’ll also hear guests Julia Sabory, S.F. Youth Commissioner and Henry Morales, with CARECEN's youth program discuss the Alex Sanchez case and related Bay Area youth issues. We’ll stroll through the Streets of Aztlan and hear about the new Berkeley art gallery Pueblo Nuevo Artspace with our guests, Diana Negrin and Plinio Hernandez We will highlight the songs of touring Mexican musician Alfonso Maya.
Produced by Ventura Longoria, Vanessa Bohm, Ctone, Julieta Kusnir, Emiliano Echeverria, Carmen Andrea Rivera and Nina Serrano.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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13 July 2009
Cronicas De La Raza
14 July 2009 - KPFA FM
Tonight‘s program in the revolutionary spirit of Bastille Day and of the July 19th anniversary of the triumph of the 1979 Nicaraguan revolution, honors liberty and equality - that are today being struggled for in Honduras. We feature a special report on the unfolding Honduran story as well as News Headlines from the Americas.
We review the KPFA and Pacifica elections and check out the Latin Alternative Music Conference in New York City. We stroll through the Streets of Aztlan and hear a calendar of upcoming events with the music you love to hear.
Produced by Ventura Longoria, Nina Serrano, Vanessa Bohm, Julieta Kusnir, Carmen Andrea Rivera, CTone and Emiliano Echeverria.
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Live on the web at: www.kpfa.org
Hear the webcast:
(available immediately after broadcast)
Mp3 / iTunes podcast:
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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Full interview with Maria Blanco on Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor
On Monday July 13th, the Senate Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be the first Latina justice on the nation's highest court.

For more on this historic nomination, Carmen Andrea Rivera interviews Maria Blanco, Executive Director for the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute at the University of California at Berkeley. This extended interview includes a discussion of Sotomayor's most important cases, as well as analysis and criticism.
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera.
Webcast: Mp3 / iTunes:
Full interview with Maria Blanco
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Original Broadcast: June 23, 2009
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
More info:
10 July 2009
Full interview with Maria Blanco on Supreme Court nominee Sonya Sotomayor
On Monday July 13th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin confirmation hearings for the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. If confirmed, Sotomayor will be the first Latina justice on the nation's highest court.

For more on this historic nomination, Carmen Andrea Rivera interviews Maria Blanco, Executive Director for the Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute at the University of California at Berkeley. This extended interview includes a discussion of Sotomayor's most important cases, as well as analysis and criticism.
Produced by Carmen Andrea Rivera.
Webcast: Mp3 / iTunes:
Full interview with Maria Blanco
La Raza Chronicles - Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Original Broadcast: June 23, 2009
Live on the air - Tuesdays 7 pm PST:
KPFA 94.1 FM - San Francisco Bay/Northern California
KPFB 89.3 FM - Berkeley
KFCF 88.1 FM - Fresno
Hear previous broadcasts of La Raza Chronicles :
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